SnoreFree is the #1 Health App to get rid of your snoring. Permanently, without surgery & the use of expensive, uncomfortable aids.
STOP snoring permanently with Snore Free the popular, most comprehensive anti-snoring app. With just 10 mins of logopedic anti-snoring gymnastics, you'll be snore free in just a few weeks.
Does SnoreFree REALLY WORK?
This effective therapy was developed by speech therapist Dario Lindes & has been successfully practiced for 13 years. The Anti Snore Gym is similar to a voice training for singers & speakers, for targeted strengthening of the muscles in the mouth. Convince yourself of the effectiveness, benefit from info, tips & tricks for restful sleep.
👍 Is this ANTI-SNORE training HEALTHY?
Snore Free treats snoring at its root cause, muscular weakness in the mouth - like oral yoga. Reduces sleep & snoring noise, ensures adequate oxygen saturation in the blood, strengthens the immune system, improves pronunciation & tones facial muscles.
The effectiveness is proven by many studies:
Is SnoreFree SUITABLE for me?
🔝+ 80% of our users have a significant improvement in quality of life & reduction in sleep noise after just a few weeks.
😴 Waking up Feeling Tired
😴 Permanent Daytime Sleepiness
😴 Decreased Performance
😴 Dry Mouth in the Morning
😴 Recurrent Headaches
😴 Weaknesses in Concentration
😴 Relationship Problems
😴 Daily 2h Sleep Loss
😴 Mild OSA
WHY SnoreFree?
🥇 Stop Snoring in a Natural Way
🥇 Guided Workout Program
🥇Reach your Goals Fast & Easy
🥇 Personalized 4 Level Training Plan
🥇 Training reminders, better successes
🥇 Tips for healthy sleep & snore prevention
🥇 Clear dashboard & statistics
🥇 Better pronunciation
🥇 Optimized sleep cycle & sleep through
🥇 Reduced Pressure 4 CPAP Mask User
🥇 Improves Relationships
😎 TEST us FREE of CHARGE & No Obligations
✔ Nr 1 Anti Snoring Training App
✔ No annoying Ads
✔ 6 FREE Video Exercises
✔ Test without Registration
✔ For Beginner & Advanced
✔ Training Timer - Reach Your Goals Faster
✔ Individually Training Time
✔ For Men, Women & Children
✔ Effectively Reduce & Get Rid of Snoring
✔ Continuous development of Snore Free App
😴 Natural Method to Heal Snoring
😴 Strong Immune System
😴 More Energy & More Activity in Everyday Life
😴 Improved Concentration
😴 Restful & Healthy Sleep Cycle
😴 Tightening of the Facial Muscles
😴 Improvement of Articulation
😴 Reduces Grinding
😴 Relief for mild Sleep Apnea
😴 Up to 10 years more life expectancy
😴 Prevention for Stroke, Heart Attack, Diabetes
😴 No Expensive Uncomfortable Anti Snore Aids
😴 No Painful Surgery
🚀 Start in your your new life
Loud snoring reduces blood oxygen levels, often causes daytime sleepiness, microsleep, increases risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke & listlessness.
🐑 Deep & healthy sleep is an important for better quality of life, productivity in everyday life & harmony in the bedroom. 🛌
🏆 SnoreFree Premium
SnoreFree can be downloaded & tested for free. All exercises with personalized training plan, are unlocked with the purchase of a subscription. There are 3 subscriptions & 1 LifeTime Subscription to use all features.
✔ 49 logopedic videos
✔ Workout in 4 levels
✔ Personalized workout plan
✔ Clear dashboard
✔ Training reminder for optimal successes
✔ Animations to explain the anatomy
✔ Meditations for relaxation
✔ Tips & tricks for sleep hygiene & snoring prevention
We recommend visiting a sleep lab, using a sleep tracking app, sleep tracker, snore record, snore recorder, sleep cycle, sleep cycle, record sleep sounds to measure your successes.
HEALTH: SnoreFree is not suitable for infants & for swallowing disorders.
🛌 Sleep Better - Live Better
Who Wants Surgery? Do the Snore Free Therapy!
💤 STOP Snoring NOW! With our unique Snore Free Health App Therapy Approach 🙂