NCLEX: Practice,Prep,Flashcard

Varsity Tutors LLC
DeveloperVarsity Tutors LLC
Update Time2023-06-12
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*** From the Makers of Varsity Learning Tools - Best Education App - 2016 Appy Awards *** There are several steps that you need to take before you can become a Registered Nurse. Once you have attained your desired degree, the next step is to complete the NCLEX exam. This exam comes in two variations depending on the career path of your choice, but both test your skills and knowledge to an intense degree. Work toward a great score with the free Varsity Tutors NCLEX app for Android-powered smartphones and tablets. If you are interested in becoming a licensed Registered Nurse you will want to take the NCLEX-RN. On the other hand, if you are interested in becoming a licensed practical or vocational nurse, then the NCLEX-PN is the appropriate test. Regardless of which test you need to take, the free Varsity Tutors app offers plenty of practice tests to let you gauge your skills against the actual exam content. Becoming a licensed nurse is a long road with many obstacles. One of the major obstacles is the NCLEX exam, which has stopped countless prospective nurses in their tracks. Do not let this exam derail your plans, and download the free Varsity Tutors NCLEX app today! With the practice tests, flashcards, and all other sorts of review material available on the app, along with a healthy dose of hard work and dedication, your dreams and aspirations can become a reality as you seek to become a licensed nurse!
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