MOXY is a non-partisan app bringing democracy into the 21st century - all parties & ideologies are welcome to join. Not just opinions - facts from official sources, news from 300 different outlets plus many ways to share your own point of view. Issue-based forums, specialized podcasts, share your point of view (POV) via videos &s images, Live Stream & Surveys. Get ballot & election info, message your representatives, rate/review your politicians, get your voice heard, reference official truth via legislation.
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Governments impact every aspect of our lives, it’s your right to influence the legislation too. Take part in the political process via forums & POV's.
Active discussions on issues like abortion, civil rights, immigration, jobs & the economy, health care, foreign policy - gain a better understanding of today’s biggest issues.
Go beyond the click-bait & echo chamber rants - get tangible info on what elected officials are actually doing. Take surveys focused on issues that matter to you.
Use convenient buttons that link to official sites for verifying your register or verify your voter registration status.*
See the profiles of government officials to learn about your local, regional & national elected representatives. Send messages or email - and even give them ratings - to let your Rep's know what you think!
Learn about legislation, upcoming elections, find podcasts & watch live streams - stay informed.
MOXY Features:
- Read the latest news & information from a broad spectrum of sources
- Localized to your home, powerful news search, curated based on your interests
- Push-button access to news & forums organized by your issues of interest
- Quick button access to C-SPAN, NPR, The Hill, Open Secrets, & other key outlets
- Search News by key words/phrases
Live Stream
- Updates from colleagues, community leaders & Rep's
- Spontaneous access to share your POV
- Join and participate to learn and express your views
- Create your own forum
- Specialized podcasts from MOXY Members on a range of subjects
- Create your own Podcast series
- Native Rep and Candidate video interviews
- Learn about your elected rep's and connect with them
- Message politicians and rep's
- Provide elected officials with your rating
- Find out who funds your rep's campaigns
- Quick button access to email or call their offices
- Know which laws are being proposed by your own rep's
- Keep track of how your rep is voting on proposed laws
- Share Legislation via Forum post then relay to other platforms
- Make your voice heard by participating in surveys on a range of issues
- Read the reports to dig into how people think
- View results in a handsome reports on surveys you participate in
- View election voting results
- Learn about all the candidates running for office
- Local, State, Regional, National
- Ballot initiative information and details
- Link to official voter registration to register or to check on the status
- View a map of your political jurisdictions, from local to national
- View your polling place and get directions
- Get voting methods info, including how to vote, registration, ID requirements, etc.*
Our Valuable Sources, many of whom compile public/governmental data:
- OpenSecrets
- OpenStates
- ProPublica
- Govtrack
- Google Civic Information
- Ballotpedia
- The Hill
- Various local, state and national government resources
*Disclaimer: MOXY is created by Epluribus LLC, a Delaware U.S. privately owned, non-partisan company which does not represent any government or any other company. MOXY provides this information as a service to its users
and data is acquired from the sources listed above and also is available within the Settings page in MOXY. Voter registration external links are provided for the state & local government agencies which administer elections .