
Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband
DeveloperDeutscher Volkshochschul-Verband
Update Time2023-04-27
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You can learn German for free at A2 level. A2 German (A2-Deutsch) is the mobile version of the mobile version of the A2 German Course (A2-Deutschkurs) at https://vhs-lernportal.de/deutsch. The app allows you to use all the functions of the A2 German Course offline on your smartphone. Features - 12 lessons - A range of exercises - Practise reading, writing, listening and speaking - With support from tutors - Menu navigation and usage instructions available in 18 languages - Free - Use it offline - Recognised by the BAMF as a teaching aid for courses You will find our free German courses at levels A1, A2, B1 and B2 at https://vhs-lernportal.de/deutsch You can use them with any standard web browser, regardless of the device. The German courses build up your linguistic abilities systematically. Regular tests help you keep track of your progress. The VHS learning portal is an offering of German Adult Education Association e.V. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. We look forward to hearing from you! If you have any questions, suggestions or problems, please send us an e-mail at [email protected]
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