100% FREE! One click and Easily download all HD videos from your favorite websites and apps and watch HD videos offline.All websites/apps and formats are supported !
* Downloader for all websites and apps, support android phone and tablet.
* Browse media websites with built-in powerful web browser
* Auto detect videos and easily download with just one-click
* Play videos offline with the built-in HD video player
* Download several videos at the same time and in the background
* Smart Manager: pause, resume failed downloads and remove downloads.
* Save downloaded files in a password-protected privacy folder
* SD cards are supported
* All download formats supported, MP3,MP4,M4V,M4A,MOV, AVI, WMV, etc...
* Extremely Fast speed with All HD video downloader
* Share downloaded videos with your friends.
How to use this All-IN-ONE HD Video Downloader :
* Browse your favorite websites with built-in private web browser.
* The target video will be auto-detected in the downloader
* Click button to download video(1080p/720p/480p/360p)
* Bingo!